Obama says he has planned spending cuts that would generate a budget surplus, even with new energy, economic and other initiatives he has proposed. 奥巴马说,尽管他提出了新的能源、经济与其他提议,但他计划减少开支,创造预算盈余。
4: It's fantastic that the president has planned to balance the budget and give Americans a tax break. 总统计划平衡收支、同时给美国人民减税,这当然是再好不过的事情。
This product is of better quality and durability, but it's$ 20 over your planned budget 这商品在质量和耐用性方面都较好,但它就是贵一些,超过了您预算金额有20美元
US economic growth will slow dramatically if tax rises and spending cuts come into effect as planned in 2013, according to new figures from the Congressional Budget Office. 美国国会预算办公室(cbo)的新数据显示,如果增税和减支措施按计划在2013年生效,那么美国经济增长将大幅放缓。
The planned budget deficit of$ 140bn equates to nearly 3 per cent of GDP, above China's recent run-rate of sub-1 per cent, or surpluses, but is certainly no cause for blushes in today's world. 计划中的预算赤字为1400亿美元,相当于GDP的近3%,高于近些年低于1%或盈余状态的水平。但在当今世界,3%的比率肯定不会让人脸红。
A review of public expenditures is nearly complete, with follow-up work planned to reform the budget process. 一项对公共部门支出的调查工作已经进入尾声,计划的后续工作将改善预算程序。
Review the planned costs in your completed project plan to ensure that they stay within your budget. 检查已完成的项目计划中的计划成本,以确保成本保持在预算范围之内。
Getting things planned and done on time within the budget. 按照预算,制定合理的计划,并按时完成一项工作。
On account of being affected by planned management, the deficiencies are very obvious in oil enterprises 'budget especially in budget management. 形成于转型时期的石油企业预算受计划管理影响,在预算组织、计划、控制等管理的各方面不同程度地存在缺陷。
China is in the transition from Planned Economy to Market Economy, The banking industry not only exists monopoly, asymmetric information, market failure, but also has social credit imperfection and soft budget constraint and so on special factor. 我国是经济转轨国家,银行业除了存在垄断、负外部性、信息不对称等市场失灵现象外,还存在社会信用缺失、预算软约束等特殊因素。
During the planned-economic time, funding for infrastructure constructing is mainly from the national financing budget with highly centralized management method. 改革开放前的三十年,我国实行高度集中的计划经济,基础设施资金主要来源于国家财政预算拨款,实行高度集中的管理方式。
To establish public finance means to reform and innovate the highly concentrated traditional management system under a planned economy, and above all to reform and innovate the budget system. 建立公共财政意味着要对形成于计划经济条件下的高度集中的传统管理制度进行改革和创新,其中处于核心地位的则是预算制度的改革和创新。
In the planned economy, the budget generally uses the base-plus-growth method. 在计划经济体制下,预算一般采用基数法。